* Results may vary: Each client’s level of commitment adds to obtaining the very best outcome.​

Making a creative presentation

“Having successfully worked with Hazel last year to overcome work-related stress, I had confidence she could help me once more as I faced an anxiety-inducing presentation.

After just three sessions, my approach to the situation completely changed. I was inspired to produce creative content and felt positive that it would be well received. Being more “present” during the presentation ensured I delivered it calmly and without giving the impression that I couldn’t wait for it to end!

Hazel’s Solution Focused Hynotherapy is so fast and effective, I can’t recommend it enough”.

A client came to me feeling extremely apprehensive about a major operation to his head.  We worked together to get the anxiety under control, and he wrote the following note to me a few days after the operation:

‘Dear Hazel,

I just wanted to say a massive thank you!! 

I have no doubt that the time we spent together had a huge impact on my state of mind running up to, and on the day of, my operation. It went ahead on Monday just gone, it was 12 hours, had no complications, and was successful. 

The team at Bristol are amazing, and supremely happy with my rate of recovery, they say I’m well ahead of where I should be, so much so I came home yesterday.  A big hug to you!’


“When I reached out to Hazel I was extremely stressed in my work, felt constantly anxious, self-critical and was controlled by negative thoughts. After several sessions, I could slow down my thinking and adopt a completely different perspective in challenging situations. My thinking was much more positive and I enjoyed rather than feared interactions with others. Having had conventional therapy before, I can say with confidence that this is completely different. The focus on positive thoughts and solutions has been life-changing and I can’t thank Hazel enough.”


‘I found hypnotherapy to be incredibly beneficial. After a few sessions I was able to feel in control of my thoughts, and was able to reduce the negative thoughts.
Would highly recommend.’

“I want not to be scared every minute of the day”, this was the intention of a client who came to see me recently. At the end of a session today she said:

“Out of all the therapists over the years, you are the only one where I come out smiling.

You’ve taught me to look forwards instead of backwards. You have opened gateways. It was the best decision I ever made, to come and see you”.


I am desperate to share something with you: Last night I spotted a beast of a spider tucked in the corner of my bedroom. I was calm. I went to have a look at it. I even took a photo. I then decided to leave it and went downstairs to give it a chance to wander off. It didn’t. I got into bed, put on your relaxation CD and went to sleep. I was nervous, I was sweating like a pig, but I didn’t cry, I wasn’t hysterical. And I just kept telling myself I was OK. And I was.
This morning I cannot see it, I am a bit wary of being taken by surprise, but I am also aware that it may have wandered off and I won’t see it again. I feel this is a MASSIVE achievement!


Spider Phobia

‘Very many thanks Hazel, for your support helping me quit smoking after 30 years.  After 5 weeks I still have not had any real cravings for tobacco.  Fantastic job.’



‘Hazel has been a great help to me at a time when I was finding it difficult to relax and sleep. I found her weekly sessions so helpful, as well as having her CD, also the way she explained how the brain works.’

Janet C.


‘I started seeing Hazel because I was suffering with anxiety, panic attacks & other associated symptoms & I didn’t want to turn to anti-depressants. I felt very low, tearful, lacking in confidence & was not enjoying life anymore. Over a 12 week period with Hazel that all changed, she explained the workings of the brain so you had a clearer understanding of anxiety. Hazel teaches you coping skills & she has many helpful suggestions up her sleeve to turn your negative thoughts into positive ones. The sessions don’t involve talking about your past, it focuses on the future & what you want out of the life. The trance sessions always left me feeling refreshed with an optimistic view for my future well being. Thanks to Hazel’s support & words of encouragement I am much happier, more confident & enjoying life again. My head is free of worry & negative thoughts but if it ever returns I would have no hesitation in seeing Hazel again.’



‘I live in Stroud and work in London. On a Monday morning I would grab whatever I remembered I needed, stuff things in a bag, cycle down to the station like a maniac, usually catching the train by the skin of my teeth and sometimes missing it. Then I’d arrive in London without something or other that I really needed. Then I’d get stressed phone calls from my partner at home saying ‘I wanted to put x on your desk but couldn’t because there is no space. When I tried about twenty things slid off onto the floor’. Madness. And exhausting. I don’t do that anymore. I had tried repeatedly to get out of this counter-productive pattern of disorganization and lateness that was impacting on my home and work life. It was only when I started working with Hazel that I found the tools to do so. And to do so for good. Hazel talks about ‘helicoptering up’ and getting a vantage point on the situation. She gives great helicopter rides.’

C. H. - Stroud


‘When I first went to Hazel, I was in, what I thought to be a no win situation. I was anxious, off sick from a job I hated and I couldn’t see a way out. I couldn’t sleep; my relationship and physical health were suffering – I felt helpless. For 12 years I had been on medication for anxiety and depression. Over the years I learned everything I could about what I was experiencing but I had reluctantly accepted that depression was something I’d always have to live with.

After sessions with Hazel, I realized that I had a choice and I didn’t have to feel that low or anxious again. Solution focused hypnotherapy is exactly that, you do not focus on the negatives in your life, rather the positives and the solutions. Hypnotherapy is not done to you but with you. The sessions are positive, being in trance is pleasurable and you increase your understand of what you want and how to achieve it.

Making that first step to meet Hazel was terrifying at the time but the sessions have helped me to turn my life around. I have increased my self-confidence, reduced the amount of time spent worrying, I am not on any medication anymore and my sleep has improved massively. I was able to take control of my life and I now have a new job which I love, am looking forward to getting married, and starting a family next year.

I have also started working on losing weight and have lost one and a half stone already. Five months ago, I never believed that I could feel like this. I wish everyone knew about solution focused hypnotherapy!’



‘I came to Hazel at a time where I really felt I was lacking in confidence after a series of nasty run-ins with a co-worker left me feeling uncomfortable and anxious at work.   I always felt my emotions were never far from the surface – while everyone else had moved on from the situation at work, I never felt like I had truly put the experience behind me. Hazel really helped me to process my unresolved feelings and emotions, so now when I think about it I no longer feel like I am re-living what happened. I feel more confident, relaxed and much, much happier after seeing Hazel, and am incredibly grateful for the help she has given me’



‘I had been a smoker for over twenty six years. I thought I would never be able to give up after numerous failed attempts, using conventional methods. After just one session of hypnotherapy I have not smoked for nine months. Amazing! I would highly recommend hypnotherapy with Hazel to any smoker trying to give up.’

J.C. (Aged 43)


‘Like myself, you will only meet Hazel because you have life difficulties, things that you cannot make sense of, that put you apart from others. However ‘off the moon’ you first feel, hang in there. You will end up on terms with yourself, and ahead of others, who do not know, or understand, the mechanics of our heads.’



‘I went to see Hazel as a last resort to resolving chronic generalized anxiety disorder. I had spent hundreds of pounds on various therapies in a bid to cure the isolating anxious behavioural pattern I had adopted, none of which worked and I felt hopeless, at an all-time low. Hazel and I didn’t really discuss the anxious thoughts I often had, but focused on the positive aspects of my life. Even after my initial trance session I was astonished at the improvements I noticed. What amazed me more was how sub-conscious these changes were. I felt calmer, more relaxed and in control of my life. With every session that passed, I saw bigger improvements. Hazel really has changed my life and I will be eternally grateful for this.’



‘I came to Hazel after seeing the incredible results she got with a good friend of mine. Well I can safely say I was not disappointed. After only a couple of sessions I experienced a dramatic shift in my mindset about things that I had previously been very blocked about which has in turn had a massive positive impact on my quality of life. If you are struggling with deep rooted issues and can’t seem to move forward then I can’t recommend hypnotherapy with Hazel highly enough’.

V. M.


‘Very happy with five and a half pounds off when I went to Slimming World. Even happier with my new dedication to writing everything I eat down, and being very happy to stick to the vast array of food SW encourages you to eat. Also, I have decided to tick the things I achieve on my to do list rather than cross them out. I think it’s more positive. I also tick the day’s food when I’ve been perfect. Have been perfect for 8 days now, and have no plans to change. So, Go Hypno!’



‘My experience during sessions: Initial wariness of the ‘hypnotic state’ removed very quickly, very clear and interesting outline of how the brain functions, and its innate plasticity. Continual reinforcement of the value of positive thinking at all levels of experience. Relaxation and trance state was refreshing with some enjoyable ‘parables’ to play with.’

Chris V.


‘I went to Hazel for anxiety and weight loss. Although we didn’t ever talk much about either, after the first session I had a trip to London which usually would have given me a bit of stress. There was nothing! The next time, a lot went wrong with the journey but I felt just fine. A few sessions on I was able to visit my mother in law without a sign of the huge anxiety and stress this usually causes. Honestly, I wouldn’t have asked Hazel to make it possible for me to spend time with my mother in law stress-free because I would have assumed it was just too big an ask, like saying, ‘make me a millionaire.’ So when I found myself there, completely calm, it felt like a miracle. Honestly I feel like a completely different person. The weight loss is slower but I have dramatically changed what I like to eat.It really is a brilliant, life-changing therapy. We could all benefit!’

Katie F - Author


Hazel Rank-Broadley

Hazel Rank-Broadley


Registered Health Professional Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist

EMAIL: hazelrankbroadley@gmail.com
MOB. 07837 876901
TEL. 01453 791424