Our exam system can put a lot of pressure on youngsters. Doing your best just doesn’t seem like enough any more, and the pressure can feel too much. Some believe their grades are going to define who or what they are, and this can lead to overwork, or to just giving up. When we get into a state of anxiety we can’t learn, and then we can spiral downwards.
I help youngsters to get back some sense of proportion, encouraging them to look at what they enjoy, and where they have achieved, and what makes them feel good. When we understand that down time and relaxing can be also constructive, we can establish self-worth that isn’t grade-related. And when we can relax enough the brain functions so much better, and we can learn effectively.
Keeping exam nerves under control is a skill we can learn, and also just what is needed when we take the DRIVING TEST.
Anxiety & moods
It seems we never turn on the TV or radio but we hear about anxiety levels in teenagers. Teenage years seem very primed for anxiety, and for youngsters comparing themselves negatively to others. I can help teenagers understand their thoughts are just thoughts, and thoughts can be changed. They can learn that they do not have to listen to that negative voice in their head, and that they can challenge those thoughts. Even more importantly we can change the focus, and in sessions we talk about what it is they, as an individual, enjoy. When we think about what we enjoy our brains help us to make positive hormones that increase our feelings of wellbeing and happiness. We can build new ways of thinking to take forward as we mature into young adults, finding our own way, a positive way.
Being bullied in the age of social media can feel like there is no way of getting away from it, as it can follow you into your home, and can continue to happen day or night. We need to learn to develop resilience, and one way to do that is by looking at our own individual strengths. We can look at the times when we have coped well, and what strategies have worked for us. Then comes rebuilding self-confidence and self-esteem that may have been damaged, finding our own place of security and happiness. I can help your teenager to start to imagine what life will be like when that threat isn’t there, and when they are dealing with people so well that the problem isn’t a problem any more. And strangely that helps to build a happier world out there.
Smart phones & gaming
Smart phones, games and social media it seems can be as addictive as alcohol, or is it just a habit to be changed? If your teenager hardly moves out of his/her bedroom, simply the time spent sitting instead of moving around could affect his/her mental and physical wellbeing.
With the teenager’s own agreement to regroup, together we can establish some new boundaries around the behaviour. We can look at working towards finding a balance between work and play, and look at finding some other activities that may have been neglected, but can once again become enjoyable and meaningful.
There is no training for being a parent, and every phase has its own challenges. If you feel you need to stop worrying so much, and thinking about all the worst things that could happen, Solution Focused Hypnotherapy might be the thing for you. We will look at which things are within your control, and which you have very little or no control over. What we can’t control, no amount of worrying will affect what happens.
So I can help you to let it go, and get back to enjoying all the good things about being a parent. We can talk about the things that you enjoy with your youngster, and bring on more of the moments when you are glad to be in each other’s company.
It can start with listening to the Relaxation Track which I will provide as an mp3 or CD.
Call or text 0783 787 6901 or email using the Contact Page now to find out how.
You can SAMPLE A SESSION on the Home Page or on the sidebar.
‘I think your work is amazing. I honestly feel like I have my daughter back’.

Hazel Rank-Broadley
Registered Health Professional Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist
EMAIL: hazelrankbroadley@gmail.com
MOB. 07837 876901
TEL. 01453 791424